Accepts multiple numerical inputs and returns the mode (most common) of them. If more than one value occur the maximum number of times, it returns all of them.
: an array of values from which to select a mode.allowedFaults
(optional): the maximum number of input tasks that can error without the Mode task erroring. If not specified, this value defaults to N - 1
, where N
is the number of inputs.Outputs
A map containing two keys:
"results": [ ... ], // An array containing all of the values that occurred the maximum number of times
"occurrences": ..., // The number of times those values occurred
my_mode_task [type="mode"
values=<[ $(fetch1), $(fetch2), $(fetch3), $(fetch4), $(fetch5), $(fetch6), $(fetch7), $(fetch8) ]>
Given a values
array containing [ 2, 5, 2, "foo", "foo" "bar", "foo", 2 ]
, the task will return:
"results": [2, "foo"],
"occurrences": 3